Real Estate Glossary in Japan
明渡し (Akewatashi)
vacation /to vacate leased premises
預り金 (Azukarikin)
deposit /earnest money deposit
Money that is paid to reserve the right to close a deal.
The entire amount would be refunded if the deal fell through. Otherwise, the deposit would be applied to a security deposit (shikikin) and/or key money (reikin).
The entire amount would be refunded if the deal fell through. Otherwise, the deposit would be applied to a security deposit (shikikin) and/or key money (reikin).
石綿使用調査 (Ishiwata shiyō chōsa)
asbestos testing
An analysis to test the presence of asbestos in a building. Although asbestos testing is not mandatory, a seller or landlord needs to disclose whether or not a testing was carried out for their property in the real estate contract disclosure statement.
一棟の建物 (Ittō no tatemono)
single building / entire condominium building
A whole structure that houses condominium units, which were developed in accordance with the Act on Building Unit Ownership, etc.
違反建築物 (Ihan kenchikubutsu)
illegal building
違約金 (Iyakukin)
penalty /penalty payment
Money to be paid by a party, who failed to fulfill any of its contractual obligations, to the other party according to the penalty clause agreed between the parties.
入会権 (Iriaiken)
rights of common
印紙税 (Inshizei)
stamp tax / stamp duty
A tax levied on documents listed in the Stamp Tax Act . In terms of real estate transactions, the examples of such documents include real estate purchase and sale agreements, building construction contracts, and ground lease contracts. The amount of stamp tax depends on the contract value.
売出価格 (Uridashi kakaku)
distribution price / asking price
The price suggested by a seller. In the case of an existing property, a value estimate by the real estate agent often provides a basis of its asking price.
売主 (Urinushi)
解体 (Kaitai)
dismantling / demolition
The tearing-down of buildings and other structures.
買付証明書 (Kaitsuke shōmeisho)
written offer
A set of terms presented in writing by the prospective buyer of real estate ensuring will of the carrying out of transaction through a real estate agent.
買主 (Kainushi)
解約 (Kaiyaku)
家屋番号 (Kaoku bangō)
registered building number
火災保険 (Kasai hoken)
fire insurance
瑕疵担保責任 (Kashi tanpo sekinin)
売買の目的物に隠れた瑕疵があったとき、売主が買主に対して負う責任(民法第 570 条)。隠れた瑕疵とは、買主等が取引において一般的に注意をしても発見できない程度の物の品質・性能に関する「欠陥」のこと。
warranty against defects / warranty against latent defects
A warranty to be provided to the buyer by the seller in a sale of property with latent defects (Article 570 of the Civil Code). A latent defect means a hidden flaw, weakness or imperfection in an article which the buyer cannot discover by reasonable inspection.
瑕疵担保責任の免責 (Kashi tanpo sekinin no menseki)
discharge of warranty against defects
貸主負担 (Kashinushi futan)
landlord's share of expenses
割賦販売 (Kappu hanbai)
installment sale
A sale in which payment is made in installments at certain intervals. The seller usually transfers the title of the property to the purchaser upon closing the contract of the sale after obtaining a collateral security for the installment payment.
借主負担 (Karinushi futan)
tenant's share of expenses
管轄裁判所 (Kankatsu saibansho)
court with jurisdiction / court of competent jurisdiction
監事 (Kanji)
auditor / internal auditor
管理 (Kanri)
管理員業務 (Kanriin gyōmu)
on-site property management
管理員業務費 (Kanriin gyōmuhi)
on-site property manager cost
管理規約の提供 (Kanri kiyaku no teikyō)
preparation of condominium association bylaws
管理業務主任者 (Kanri gyōmu shuninsha)
licensed representative of condominium management company
管理組合 (Kanri kumiai)
condominium management association / condominium association or strata council
The association of the owners of condominium units within a condominium project. It is established in accordance with the Act on Building Unit Ownership, etc for the purposes of building maintenance and other managerial works. No condominium owners can give up their association membership.
管理事務 (Kanri jimu)
management office work / strata management work
管理の委託先 (Kanri no itakusaki)
property management company
管理費 (Kanrihi)
management charge / management fee
管理報酬 (Kanri hōshū)
management fee
A fee paid by a condominium owners association to its property management firm.
議決権 (Giketsuken)
voting right
危険負担 (Kiken futan)
burden of risk / risk of loss
An issue who shall bear the risk of loss if something bad happens to the property between the time of contract closing and the transfer. In practice, a clause, which stipulates such a risk shall be borne by the seller, is usually included in a contract.
既存不適格 (Kizon futekikaku)
non-conforming use
A building which is already built upon the enactment or before amendment of the provisions of the Building Standards Act or a building under construction, and which is not fully or partially conforming use under the provisions. In the case of an object under non-conforming use, the provision is not to be applied to the extent that it is under non-conforming use, and it is allowed to exist. However in the case of the extension or reformation of the object beyond a certain range, the part under non-conforming use must be corrected.
義務違反者に対する措置 (Gimu ihansha ni taisuru sochi)
measures against persons who violate obligations / fines and other options against an offender
規約 (Kiyaku)
rules / condominium association rules and regulations
The rules and regulations of a condominium association prepared by unit owners for the management and operations of the condominium building.
規約違反 (Kiyaku ihan)
violation of rules
規約 (Kiyaku)
rules / condominium association rules and regulations
The rules and regulations of a condominium association prepared by unit owners for the management and operations of the condominium building.
規約違反 (Kiyaku ihan)
violation of rules
共益費 (Kyōekihi)
マンション等の区分所有建物において、居住者がともに使用するエレベーター等の共用部分の維持・管理のために支出する費用。略称で CAM(common area maintenance charges)と表記されることが多い。
common area maintenance charges
Charges billed to unit owners in order to cover maintenance fees for work performed on the common area (e.g., elevators) of a building. It is often abbreviated as CAM charges.
境界 (Kyōkai)
boundary / boundary line
A line that divides one legal parcel of land from its adjacent lot.
境界確認書 (Kyōkai kakuninsho)
property boundary agreement
A document that establishes a clear boundary between a land parcel and its adjoining parcels by surveying the site. It includes a survey map with boundary markers.
協議 (Kyōgi)
consultation and negotiation
供託所 (Kyōtakusho)
official depository
Government offices throughout Japan to accept voluntary deposits from debtors.
共有 (Kyōyū)
共有持分 (Kyōyū mochibun)
co-ownership interest
共用部分 (Kyōyō bubun)
condominium common elements
Those parts of a condominium complex that belong to all owners. For example, corridors, elevators, balconies, pipes and electrical systems (excluding those within condominium units), and on-site manager office are included in common elements.
区分所有権 (Kubun shoyūken)
building unit ownership / condominium ownership
区分所有者 (Kubun shoyūsha)
building unit owner / condominium owner
区分所有建物 (Kubun shoyū tatemono)
building that is a subject of unit ownership / condominium building
契約解除 (Keiyaku kaijo)
contract cancellation
契約期間 (Keiyaku kikan)
contract period
契約の締結 (Keiyaku no teiketsu)
conclusion of contract / to sign a contract
契約面積 (Keiyaku menseki)
contract area
月額賃料 (Getsugaku chinryō)
monthly rent
現況有姿 (Genkyō yūshi)
present condition
検査済証 (Kensazumi shō)
certificate of occupancy / inspection certificate
A written document issued by the governing authority to certify that the completed building complies with the Building Standards Act. Other than some exceptions, newly-developed improvements that obtained building permit must receive a certificate of occupancy (inspection certificate) in order to occupy and use the premises for the intended purpose.
原状回復 (Genjō kaifuku)
restoration to original condition / to repair leased premises to original conditions except for normal wear and tear
Restoration of damages that are caused by an intentional act, negligence, breach of duty of due care of a prudent manager or other unusual use of the tenant. The tenant of rental properties are obliged to restore the property to the original condition when the contract is terminated.
建設住宅性能評価書 (Kensetsu jūtaku seinō hyōkasho)
housing quality certificate based on inspection
A report to certify the quality of a home for its purchaser according to the Housing Quality Assurance Act. It is prepared by a registered firm based on site inspection.
建築確認済証 (Kenchiku kakuninzumi shō)
certificate of building permit
A written document issued by the governing authority to certify that the planned building complies with the Building Standards Act and has been granted building permit. Building permit is required before the beginning of the construction.
建築基準法 (Kenchiku kijunhō)
国民の生命・健康・財産の保護のため、建築物の敷地・設備・構造・用途について最低限の基準を定めた日本の建築法規の根幹を成す法律(1950 年制定)。建物の構造、用途、建ぺい率等の規制基準等を定めている。
Building Standards Act
The fundamental act of the building laws and regulations of Japan. It was enacted in 1950 to enhance the citizens' safety and health and to protect the value of their property. It sets regulations on structures, uses of buildings, building coverage ratio and others.
建築物の延べ面積の限度(容積率制限)(Kenchikubutsu no nobemenseki no gendo (yōsekiritsu seigen))
maximum floor area ratio
建築面積の限度(建ぺい率制限)(Kenchiku menseki no gendo (kenpeiritsu seigen))
maximum building footprint (lot coverage regulation)
建ぺい率 (Kenpeiritsu)
building coverage ratio / lot coverage ratio
The percentage of the lot area that is covered by building area. The maximum lot coverage ratio is stipulated in the zoning ordinance for each use district.
公共料金 (Kōkyō ryōkin)
utility rates / utility charges
広告宣伝費 (Kōkoku sendenhi)
advertising expenses
公示力 (Kōjiryoku)
public notice effect of Title Register
The Title Register plays a role in announcing the current interests in real estate of each parcel of land (including improvements) to the public. It also shows prior changes in those interests. As a result of this effect, an owner of real estate enjoys its exclusive ownership.
更新料 (Kōshinryō)
lease renewal fee
公信力 (Kōshinryoku)
Indefeasibility of title
A legal principle, i.e., the Title Register is conclusive evidence that the person named as holding an interest in real estate is in fact entitled to that interest, and his holding is not subject to any condition or encumbrance other than those shown on the Title Register. The Japanese Title Register does NOT follow this principle.
公図 (Kōzu)
Cadastral map
A map showing the dimensions of each parcel and related information such as lot shape and survey lines. It is available for viewing at the Land Registry Office.
構造 (Kōzō)
建物の主要部分の構成材料、屋根の種類、階数を区分したもの。構成材料の区分は鉄骨造、鉄筋コンクリート造等があり、屋根の種類の区分は瓦葺、陸屋根等で、階数の区分は、平家建、2 階建等がある。
structure / structural features
The Building Registry includes the following three structural features of each registered building: (i) structure (e.g., steel-frame, reinforced concrete-frame); (ii) roof type (e.g., tile, deck roof); and (iii) number of stories.
公租公課 (Kōso kōka)
taxes and other public charges / real estate taxes
公簿売買 (Kōbo baibai)
land sales contract based on registered size
A land sales contract based on its size recorded in the registry. It usually includes a clause that stipulates the sales price shall not be affected by the disparity, if any, between the registered size and surveyed size.
戸建住宅 (Kodate jūtaku)
独立して一戸として建てられた住宅であり、主に、1 〜3 階建が多い。戸建住宅は共同住宅等と区別される。
single-family detached home
A dwelling that is designed for occupancy by one family. Most single-family homes are single- to three-story buildings. It is distinguished from apartment buildings.
固定資産税 (Kotei shisanzei)
毎年 1 月 1 日現在において、土地・家屋等を所有している者に対し、市町村が課税する地方税。
fixed asset tax
One of property taxes in Japan. It is levied by municipalities on land, improvements, and personal property against their owners as of January 1 each year.
指値 (Sashine)
buy limit order
An instruction to a real estate agent with the maximum purchase price that the buyer is willing to pay for the property.
サブリース (Sublease)
sublease / sandwich lease
A lease in which a real estate management firm leases a property from the owner and lends it to tenants.
残置物 (Zanchibutsu)
personal property abandoned by previous tenant.
市街化区域 (Shigaika kuiki)
都市計画法に基づく都市計画区域内のうち、すでに市街地を形成している区域及び概ね 10 年以内に優先的かつ計画的に市街化を図る区域。市街化区域内は必ず用途地域が指定され、建物の建築はできるが、規制が多い。
Urbanization Promotion Area
Urbanization Promotion Area includes both existing urban districts and districts to be developed approximately within the next decade in a systematic manner and on a priority basis. It forms part of City Planning Area, which is created according to the City Planning Act. Zoning regulations are applicable in Urbanization Promotion Areas. The construction of building is allowed, but subjects to regulations.
市街化調整区域 (Shigaika chōsei kuiki)
Urbanization Control Area
Urbanization is restrained in Urbanization Control Area based on the City Planning Act. The Area is created in order to prevent haphazard development. Buildings could be developed within the Area if the government granted permission.
敷金 (Shikikin)
security deposit
Money paid to the landlord by the tenant when a lease contract is signed. The money is used for offsetting unpaid rent, repairing damage caused by the tenant, and covering the tenant's share of restoring costs when the tenant moves out. Upon the termination of the lease, the landlord must return the security deposit to the tenant if no violations of the lease occurred.
敷金の償却(敷引き)(Shikikin no shōkyaku (shikibiki))
non-refundable portion in security deposit
The parties of a lease agreement could agree to include a clause that stipulates a non-refundable portion of the security deposit (shikikin ) in their contract. The non-refundable portion is usually used by the landlord for repairing the leased premises when the tenant moves out.
敷地 (Shikichi)
site / condominium building site
In general terms, it means the parcel of land where the building is located. The Building Standards Act defines it as “a parcel of land where a building or more than two buildings that are inseparable in terms of its use are located”.
敷地に関する権利 (Shikichi ni kansuru kenri)
right to use the grounds / legal estate in land
Lawful right to hold the legal title of a building site (e.g., fee simple, superficies right of lease , etc)
地震保険 (Jishin hoken)
earthquake insurance
自治会 (Jichikai)
residents' association / neighborhood association
質権 (Shichiken)
pledge right
A limited real property right on a determined asset (pledge) which authorizes its bearer (pledgee) to settle a determined claim from the value of the asset and its owner (pledgor).
実測精算 (Jissoku seisan)
売買契約締結後に土地の実測による面積と登記簿面積に対して差が生じた場合、売買代金の精算を行うこと。例えば、面積の差が 5㎡以上生じたときに売買代金を精算する等。
land sales price adjustment after surveying
The parties of some land transactions agree to adjust the sales price when the difference between the registered size and surveyed size of the site exceeds a certain number, e.g., five square meters.
実測売買 (Jissoku baibai)
land sales contract based on surveyed size
A land sales contract based on its actually-surveyed size. The parties of a sale finalize the purchase price based on the surveyed size of the land, which is measured after signing the contract.
実測面積 (Jissoku menseki)
surveyed size
A land size based on surveying rather than its size recorded in the registry.
支払金 (Shiharaikin)
amount of payment
司法書士 (Shihō shoshi)
judicial scrivener
A nationally-licensed preparer of legal documents to be filed at courts and other government offices, such as DA office, Office of Voluntary Deposit, and Land Registry Office. Based on the Judicial Scriveners Act, one must show his/her legal knowledge by successfully passing the national examination before getting licensed.
資本的支出 (Shihonteki shishutsu)
capital expenditure
事務管理業務 (Jimu kanri gyōmu)
administration support service
(普通)借地契約 (Shakuchi keiyaku)
traditional land lease contract / ground lease contract with automatic renewals
A ground lease contract with automatic renewals. The lease is extended at the end of the lease term unless the landlord provides a justifiable reason to terminate it.
借地権 (Shakuchiken)
land leasehold right / leasehold interest in traditional land lease contract
The leasehold interest of the tenant in a traditional land lease contract. In order to make the leasehold interest effective against third parties, it is required to register the building on the leased land at the Land Registry Office.
借地借家法 (Shakuchi shakkahō)
土地及び建物の賃貸借契約等に関して特別な定めをする法律で、借地権の存続期間、建物の賃貸借契約の更新や効力等について、借地権者や建物の賃借人が不利にならないような定めを含む(1992 年施行)。
Act on Land and Building Leases
The Act on Land and Building Leases was enforced in 1992. The Act attempts to protect the rights of tenants in terms of the length of a ground lease agreement, the renewal of a building lease contract and so on.
(普通)借家契約 (Shakka keiyaku)
traditional building lease contract / building lease contract with automatic renewals
A building lease contract with automatic renewals. The lease is extended at the end of the lease term unless the landlord provides a justifiable reason to terminate it.
住戸番号 (Jūko bangō)
condominium unit number
修繕 (Shūzen)
修繕積立金 (Shūzen tsumitatekin)
reserve funds
An emergency fund set aside for major repairs and capital expenditures of a condominium building either for those occurred at certain intervals or for unforeseen events, such as disasters. Condominium owners usually pay their share of such a fund in addition to their monthly association fees.
住宅性能評価 (Jūtaku seinō hyōka)
housing quality evaluation / housing quality assessment
An assessment on housing quality carried out by a registered inspection firm in accordance with the Housing Quality Assurance Act. There are two types of housing quality assessments: (a) assessment based on design documents before completion; and (b) assessment based on actual home inspection.
重要事項説明書 (Jūyō jikō setsumeisho)
important points explanation / real estate contract disclosure statement
A disclosure statement prepared by a real estate agent for protecting a prospective buyer or renter of real estate based on the Real Estate Brokerage Act. It discloses the rights of a buyer or renter, important contract clauses, and other essential factors regarding the contract.
種類 (Shurui)
type / registered use
準都市計画区域 (Jun toshi keikaku kuiki)
Quasi-City Planning Area
City Planning Area outside Urbanization Control Area. The smaller-scale City Planning Area is designated by the prefectural Governor in order to foster orderly real estate development for a specific district, such as an area around a planned highway exit.
使用細則 (Shiyō saisoku)
condominium resident rules
Rules prepared for the residents of a condominium project in accordance with its condominium association by laws. The rules typically stipulate prohibited conducts, such as storing objects and carrying out construction works in common areas, and garbage disposal and recycling among other things.
使用者責任 (Shiyōsha sekinin)
employers' liability
A person who employs other for a certain business shall be liable for damages inflicted on a third party by his/her employees with respect to the execution of that business; provided, however, that this shall not apply if the employer exercised reasonable care in appointing the employee or in supervising the business, or if the damages could not have been avoided even if he/she had exercised reasonable care.
招集手続 (Shōshū tetsuzuki)
calling procedures / procedure to call for a meeting
使用貸借権 (Shiyō taishakuken)
borrower's right in commodate
The right of the borrower in a free use agreement. The borrower's right shall terminate upon the death of the borrower. In case of a gratuitous loan agreement of real property, the contract is not regulated by the Act on Land and Building Leases.
消費税 (Shōhizei)
consumption tax
消防用設備点検 (Shōbōyō setsubi tenken)
testing of fire protection equipment
使用目的 (Shiyō mokuteki)
purpose of use
所在 (Shozai)
所有権 (Shoyūken)
所有権移転登記 (Shoyūken iten tōki)
registration of ownership transfer
所有権の移転 (Shoyūken no iten)
transfer of ownership / property title transfer
清掃業務 (Seisō gyōmu)
janitorial service
清掃業務費 (Seisō gyōmuhi)
janitorial service cost
成約価格 (Seiyaku kakaku)
contract price
成約賃料 (Seiyaku chinryō)
contract rent
設計住宅性能評価書 (Sekkei jūtaku seinō hyōkasho)
housing quality certificate based on design documents
A report to certify the quality of a home for its purchaser according to the Housing Quality Assurance Act. It is prepared by a registered firm based on design documents.
占有者 (Sen'yūsha)
possessor / occupant
専有部分 (Sen'yū bubun)
exclusive element / condominium unit
A structurally-independent and individually-owned unit within a condominium building.
専有面積 (Sen'yū menseki)
condominium unit size
The size of a condominium unit. The size is measured in two different ways. The first one considers the thickness of walls, i.e., the measurement between the centers of two adjoining, parallel walls. The second method measures the size of a space net of the walls.
専用使用権 (Sen'yō shiyōken)
マンション等の区分所有建物において、本来は共用部分であるが、特定の区分所有者が排他的に使用できる権利。マンションの 1 階の住戸の専用庭や各住戸に接するバルコニー等に専用使用権が設けられている場合が多い。
exclusive license / right to use a limited common element
Right to use a portion of the common elements allocated for the exclusive use of one or more but fewer than all of the units of a condominium building. The examples of limited common elements include small gardens that offer a private use for the owners of ground floor units, patios, and balconies.
専用使用部分 (Sen'yō shiyō bubun)
limited common element
総会 (Sōkai)
assembly / general meeting
造成宅地防災区域 (Zōsei takuchi bōsai kuiki)
Disaster Prone Developed Residential Area
A subdivision that is likely to get affected seriously by an earthquake and other disasters due to a large-scale cut and fill process during its site preparation work. It is designated in accordance with the criteria stipulated in the Act on Regulation of Residential
Land Development (subdivision reguration Act). A seller of real estate must indicate whether or not the property is located in this type of subdivision in the real estate contract disclosure statement.
Land Development (subdivision reguration Act). A seller of real estate must indicate whether or not the property is located in this type of subdivision in the real estate contract disclosure statement.
測量図 (Sokuryōzu)
survey map
底地 (Sokochi)
limited proprietary right of land
An ownership interest in land held by a landlord with the rights of use and occupancy conveyed by a ground lease agreement to others. The ownership is limited in relation to the rights of use and is generally difficult to sell to the third party.
損害賠償 (Songai baishō)
compensation of damages / compensation for damages and loss
退去予告 (Taikyo yokoku)
move out notice
A notice given to the landlord or property manager by a tenant in order to vacate the rental property. A notice must be received by the date specified in the rental agreement (usually from one month to three months before moving out).
対抗要件 (Taikō yōken)
requirement for perfection
In order to make a real estate transaction effective against third parties, it is required to register the transferred right at the Registry Office.
耐震改修 (Taishin kaishū)
seismic retrofitting
A seismic retrofit provides existing structures with more resistance to seismic activity due to earthquakes. A seismic resistance assessment could reveal the necessity of retrofitting. Several tax incentives are available for homes that underwent seismic retrofitting.
耐震診断 (Taishin shindan)
seismic test / seismic resistance assessment
An analysis of the structural durability of a building in terms of seismic resistance. It assesses the resilience of the building against an expected earthquake and the degree of damage to be caused by the earthquake in order to minimize the destruction of the building.
滞納額 (Tainōgaku)
delinquent payment amount / rent arrears
If you have not paid rent by when it is due, you are in rent arrears.
代理 (Dairi)
agency / agent authorized as signatory
宅地建物取引業法 (Takuchi tatemono torihikigyōhō)
宅地建物の購入者等の利益保護と宅地及び建物の流通の円滑化とを図るために、宅地建物取引の営業に関して免許制度を実施し、その事業に対して必要な規制を定めた法律(1952 年制定)。
Real Estate Brokerage Act
A law legislated in 1952 in order to protect the rights of real estate purchasers and to enhance the efficiency of real estate transactions. It regulates real estate agencies by enforcing their licensing program among other things.
宅地建物取引業保証協会 (Takuchi tatemono torihikigyō hoshō kyōkai)
real estate transaction guarantee association / agency liability guaranty association
An association approved by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism with its membership being limited to real estate agencies. Its major functions include providing guaranty for the liabilities of member firms against their customers, dealing with consumer complains against member firms, offering educational seminars to staff at member firms, and guaranteeing deposits paid by the customers of member firms.
宅地建物取引士 (Takuchi tatemono torihikishi)
宅地建物取引士資格試験に合格し、知事の登録を受け、宅地建物取引士証の交付を受けた者。宅地建物取引業法に基づき、事務所ごとに従事者 5 名に対して 1 名以上の割合で、専任の取引士を置かなければならない。
real estate transaction agent
A real estate agent who received a license from the prefectural government after passing the license examination. The Real Estate Brokerage Act stipulates that each real estate agency must employ one licensed agent in every five employees.
立入り (Tachiiri)
entry / landlord's right of entry
A landlord's right of entry to the leased premises. Most lease contracts include a clause that provides the landlord with access to the leased space for the purposes of solving the fire safety and structural issues of the building. The landlord is usually required to gain the consent of the tenant before entering.
建替え (Tatekae)
Redevelopment of a condominium site after demolishing the building existed on the site. The costs of renovation and refurbishing for a dilapidated condominium building could exceed those of the reconstruction of a brand new building.
建物 (Tatemono)
建物図面 (Tatemono zumen)
building drawing
建物・設備管理業務 (Tatemono setsubi kanri gyōmu)
building and equipment maintenance service
建物・設備管理業務費 (Tatemono setsubi kanri gyōmuhi)
building and equipment maintenance service cost
A cost to be paid by a condominium association to its property management firm for their building maintenance services.
建物の修繕 (Tatemono no shūzen)
building repair
単棟型 (Tantōgata)
single-building type
断面図 (Danmenzu)
sectional plan
地役権 (Chiekiken)
特定の土地の利便性を高めるために他人の土地を利用することができる権利(民法第 280 条)。例えば、自己の土地と公道との間にある他人の土地を通行するための通行地役権等がある。
servitude / easement
An interest in land that conveys use, but not ownership, of a portion of an owner's land to improve the benefits of another specific property. For example, a right-of-way easement could be granted to provide a land parcel with access to a road.
地上権 (Chijōken)
他人の土地において、工作物等を所有するため、その土地を使用する物権 ( 民法第 265 条 ) であり、契約での設定が原則。建物所有を目的とする地上権はその譲渡・転貸ができ、借地権として借地借家法の適用を受ける。
superficies (right)
Real right to use other persons's land to own object on it(Article 265 of the Civil Code). The principal of the right is based on contract. Superficies right for building ownership can be transferred or subleased, and the leasehold will be applied under Act on Land and Building Leases.
地積 (Chiseki)
land acreage / registered land size
地積更正登記手続き (Chiseki kōsei tōki tetsuzuki)
registered land size correction
A process of revising the registered size of a land parcel to a correct surveyed size in the registry.
地番 (Chiban)
registered lot number
地方裁判所 (Chihō saibansho)
district court
地目 (Chimoku)
registered land category
駐車場 (Chūshajō)
parking lot
賃借権 (Chinshakuken)
right of lease
賃貸借契約書 (Chintaishaku keiyakusho)
lease contract
賃貸マンション (Chintai mansion)
rental apartment
賃料保証 (Chinryō hoshō)
guaranteed rental income
Revenue from apartment rents, guaranteed by a property management firm regardless of the occupancy rate of an apartment building. The management firm provides the landlord with this service in return for a management fee.
津波災害警戒区域 (Tsunami saigai keikai kuiki)
Tsunami Disaster Alert Area
An area where a big tsunami could endanger the lives and safety of residents. Within such a designated area, an alert/evacuation program is required to be prepared in order to prevent tsunami disasters in accordance with the Act on Regional Development of Tsunami Disaster Prevention. Whether or not the real estate asset of a contract is situated within one of those zones must be indicated in the real estate contract disclosure statement.
定額委託業務費 (Teigaku itaku gyōmuhi)
pre-determined management cost
定期建物賃貸借契約 (Teiki tatemono chintaishaku keiyaku)
契約の更新がないことを特約した建物の賃貸借。通常の建物賃貸借契約では更新拒絶等が難しく長期化しやすいため、借家の供給を容易にする目的で、賃貸借期間を定める特約を認めた賃貸借契約(2000 年施行)。
fixed term building leases contract / fixed-term lease contract
A lease contract with a definite period of time without any renewal options. This type of lease contract became effective in 2000 in order to facilitate the housing supply, since there was only a lease contract with automatic renewals.
抵当権 (Teitōken)
手付金 (Tetsukekin)
earnest money deposit (sales contract)
転貸借(転貸借契約)(Tentaishaku (tentaishaku keiyaku))
An agreement in which the lessee in a prior lease conveys the right of use and occupancy of a property to another, the sublessee.
登記簿 (Tōkibo)
registry / land and building registry books
登記簿上の面積 (Tōkibojō no menseki)
registered size
当事者 (Tōjisha)
party / parties to a contract
登録免許税 (Tōroku menkyozei)
registration and license tax
特定承継人 (Tokutei shōkeinin)
specific successor / particular successor
A successor (e.g. as a buyer) who succeeds the rights pertaining only to the property conveyed, who takes title and possession in his or her own right, and who is not generally liable for any debts of the succession.
特約条項 (Tokuyaku jōkō)
special contract clause
都市計画税 (Toshi keikakuzei)
city planning tax
The tax which is imposed for land and building of an Urbanization Promotion Area according to the Local Tax Act.
都市計画法 (Toshi keikakuhō)
City Planning Act
The fundamental law of urban planning with the purpose of accomplishing the sustainable development and well-planned capital investment in urban areas; and contributing to the harmonious growth and enhanced standard of living of the country. It stipulates the types and process of urban development projects and zoning regulations among other items.
土砂災害警戒区域 (Dosha saigai keikai kuiki)
Sediment Disaster Alert Area
An area where a serious landslide could endanger the lives and safety of residents. Within such a designated area, an alert/evacuation program is required to be prepared in order to prevent landslide disasters in accordance with the Act on Sediment Disaster Countermeasures for Sediment Disaster Prone Areas. Whether or not the real estate asset of a contract is situated within one of those zones must be indicated in the real estate contract disclosure statement.
土壌汚染 (Dojō osen)
soil contamination
Soil contamination is caused by the presence of hazardous materials (e.g., heavy metals, organic solvents, agricultural chemicals, and waste oil) in the natural soil environment that could generate environmental and health risks.
土地家屋調査士 (Tochi kaoku chōsashi)
land and house investigator
A licensed surveyor who specializes in Land and Building Registry applications. The major assignments of this type of special surveyor include the preparation of building floor plans and land size survey and assistance for a property boundary agreement.
入居予定日 (Nyūkyo yoteibi)
move-in date
媒介 (Baikai)
brokerage / role as agency broker
媒介契約(契約書)(Baikai keiyaku (keiyakusho))
mediation agreement / real estate agent agreement
媒介報酬(仲介手数料)(Baikai hōshū (chūkai tesūryō))
real estate agent fee
売買 (Baibai)
property transaction
売買代金 (Baibai daikin)
payment for property transaction
売買物件 (Baibai bukken)
property for sale
引渡し (Hikiwatashi)
transfer / possession
非線引区域 (Hisenbiki kuiki)
City Planning Area without classification between Urbanization Promotion Area and Urbanization Control Area
City Planning Area without the designation of boundaries between Urbanization Promotion Area and Urbanization Control Area. The degree of zoning and development regulations in this area is less stringent than Urbanization Promotion Areas. This is because the speed of urbanization is slower in this area compared with Urbanization Promotion Areas.
表示面積 (Hyōji menseki)
indicated size / indicated area
費用の負担 (Hiyō no futan)
cost allocation
物件概要 (Bukken gaiyō)
property description
不動産鑑定士 (Fudōsan kanteishi)
real estate appraiser
不動産取得税 (Fudōsan shutokuzei)
real estate acquisition tax
不動産信託受益権 (Fudōsan shintaku juekiken)
beneficial interest in real property trust / beneficiary right in real estate trust
不動産信託受益権売買契約(契約書)(Fudōsan shintaku juekiken baibai keiyaku (keiyakusho))
beneficial interest in real property trust purchase and sale agreement
不動産信託受託者 (Fudōsan shintaku jutakusha)
trustee in real estate trust
不動産売買契約(契約書)(Fudōsan baibai keiyaku (keiyakusho))
real estate purchase and sale agreement
フリーレント (Free rent)
入居後の 1 ヵ月から 3 ヵ月程度の家賃を無料とする契約形態のこと。
free rent
The occupancy of premises with no rental payment for a certain period. The typical rent free period of rental apartments ranges from one month to three months.
平成○○年△△月□□日 (Heisei ○○ nen △△ gatsu □□ nichi)
○○ th Year (since the 1989 enthronement of the current Emperor) △△ th Month, □□ th Day
平面図 (Heimenzu)
plain views / floor plan
包括承継人 (Hōkatsu shōkeinin)
universal successor
A successor (as an heir or surviving firm in a merger) who succeeds to the rights and obligations of the ancestor in title, continues possession by the ancestor's title, and is responsible for the debts of the succession. The successor could renounce the succession.
法定点検 (Hōtei tenken)
compulsory building condition report
The owners of a certain types of buildings are required to submit a building condition report to the governing authority periodically (Article 12 of the Building Standards Act).
暴力団員の排除 (Bōryoku dan'in no haijo)
yakuza exclusion
募集賃料 (Boshū chinryō)
asking rent
埋蔵文化財 (Maizō bunkazai)
buried cultural property / buried archaeological artifact
When a development area is included in a archaeological site or when archaeological artifacts were found in the site of a development area, the developer is most likely to be required to amend the development plan in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the Agency for Cultural Affairs.
マンション管理会社 (Mansion kanri gaisha)
condominium management company or strata management company
A property manager for condominium buildings. Based on the Act on Advancement of Proper Condominium Management, a condominium management company is required to provide all condominium owners within the project with an explanation of certain important items before signing a management contract.
マンション管理士 (Mansion kanrishi)
licensed strata management consultant
A nationally-licensed consultant who advises condominium associations and condominium owners with regards to strata management based on the Act on Advancement of Proper Condominium Management.
マンション標準管理委託契約書(Mansion hyōjun kanri itaku keiyakusho)
model strata management agreement
A model strata management contract prepared by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. The model contract includes a confidentiality clause, contract renewal procedure, strata management service classification, indemnity clause, and so on.
マンション標準管理規約(Mansion hyōjun kanri kiyaku)
model condominium association by laws
Model condominium association bylaws prepared by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
免責事項 (Menseki jikō)
indemnity clause
An indemnity clause requires that one party indemnify the other in the event that specified expenses are incurred. In the case of strata management, a condominium association and its members shall not claim the compensation for damages caused by their property management firm when the firm undertook the work with the due care of a prudent manager.
申込人 (Mōshikominin)
模様替え (Moyōgae)
remodeling / facelift
A work that improves the outward appearance of a building using new materials but usually does not involve major changes (e.g., changing flooring materials and exterior wall tiles). It does not involve major renovation and expansion of a building.
役員 (Yakuin)
officer / board member
床面積 (Yukamenseki)
floor area
容積率 (Yōsekiritsu)
建築物の延べ面積の敷地面積に対する割合。例えば、100㎡の敷地に延床面積(各階床面積の合計)が150㎡の建物があれば、容積率は 150%。
floor area ratio
The relationship between the total floor area of a building and the area of the plot on which it stands. It is expressed in percentage; e.g., if a building with a total floor area of 150 square meters was built on a 100-square-meter site, its floor area ratio is 150%.
用途地域 (Yōto chiiki)
都市計画法で定められた地域地区の一つ。土地利用の計画的な配分を図り、市街地の環境を保全するために都市計画で定める。住居地域や商業地域等 12 種類。
use district / zoning district
Urbanization Promotion Area is divided into use districts in order to attain its desirable urban built environment. Use districts are determined in the city planning of a municipality for achieving a properly-planned land use mix. There are 12 residential, commercial, and manufacturing use districts.
Category I low-rise exclusive residential
This zone is designated for low rise residential buildings. The permitted buildings include residential buildings which are also used as small shops or offices and elementary/junior high school buildings.
Category II low-rise exclusive residential
This zone is mainly designated for low rise residential buildings. In addition to elementary/ junior high school buildings, certain types of shop buildings with a floor area of up to 150m 2 are permitted.
Category I medium-to-high-rise exclusive residential
This zone is designated for medium to high residential buildings. In addition to hospital and university buildings, certain types of shop buildings with a floor area of up to 500m 2 are permitted.
Category II medium-to-high-rise exclusive residential
This zone is mainly designated for medium to high rise residential buildings. In addition to hospital and university buildings, the permitted buildings include certain shops and office buildings with a floor area of up to 1,500m 2 to provide conveniences for the local community.
Category I residential zone
This zone is designated to protect the residential environment. The permitted buildings include shops, offices and hotel buildings with a floor area of up to 3,000m 2.
Category II residential zone
This zone is designated to mainly protect the residential environment. The permitted buildings include shops, offices and hotel buildings as well as buildings with karaoke box.
Quasi-residential zone
This zone is designated to allow the introduction of vehicle-related facilities along roads while protecting the residential environment in harmony with such facilities.
Neighborhood commercial zone
This zone is designated to provide daily shopping facilities for the neighbourhoods residents. In addition to residential and shop buildings, small factory buildings are permitted.
Commercial zone
Banks, cinemas, restaurants and department stores are constructed in this zone. Residential buildings and small factory buildings are also permitted.
Quasi-industrial zone
This zone is mainly occupied by light industrial facilities and service facilities. Almost all types of factories are permitted excepting those which are considered to considerably worsen the environment.
Industrial zone
Any type of factory can be built in this zone. While residential and shop buildings can be constructed, school, hospital and hotel buildings are not permitted.
Exclusively industrial zone
This zone is designated for factories. While all types of factory buildings are permitted, residential, shop, school, hospital and hotel buildings cannot be constructed.
容認事項 (Yōnin jikō) / 特記事項 (Tokki jikō)
special reminder
理事 (Riji)
理事長 (Rijichō)
president / chairperson of BOD
立面図 (Ritsumenzu)
elevation plan
礼金 (Reikin)
key money
A one-off payment made by the tenant to the landlord at the closing of a real estate lease contract. It is a type of non-refundable deposits.
連帯保証人 (Rentai hoshōnin)
guarantor for rental payment
A guarantor who is financially and legally obligated to pay rent or to pay for any repairs/ damages if the tenant fails to pay.
レントホリデー (Rent holiday)
フリーレントの期間を分割させた賃貸借契約の形態。例えば、フリーレント 6 ヵ月は契約開始から 6 ヵ月間の賃料が無料。レントホリデー 6 ヵ月(2 年契約)の場合、1 年目及び 2 年目の最初の 3 ヵ月間の賃料が無料。
staggered rent free periods
Some lease contracts offer free rent that is staggered through the term. For example, in case of a two-year lease, a three-month rent free period at the beginning of the first year and another three-month rent free period in the second year.
和解合意 (Wakai gōi)
settlement agreement